The CCEDC works diligently to develop programs and incentives that will move your business forward! This includes conducting an annual business retention & expansion survey that helps us better understand the needs of our business community, providing training and mentorship opportunities, acting as a liaison to create valuable partnerships, and identifying incentives and sources of funding to help you realize your business goals!
Whether you are a seasoned developer looking to locate in Clear Creek County or someone who has a dream of starting a small business, the CCEDC is a great place to start the conversation!
Please note that not all resources listed on our website are CCEDC-sponsored programs. We often promote business assistance initiatives provided by other organizations such as Clear Creek and Gilpin counties, the Small Business Administration, and Energize CO, among others.
Loan Services
CDBG Business Loan Program
​CDBG loans are generally between $5,000 and $200,000 but will be considered on a case-by-case basis. CDBG loans may be used for the purchase of real estate, furniture, fixtures, equipment, working capital, and inventory.
CDBG Micro-Enterprise Loan Program
The Micro-Enterprise Loan Fund is for small businesses with capital needs of less than $100,000. Specific qualifying criteria include five or fewer employees at the time of application, and the owner(s) must qualify as low-to-moderate income.
Funding for technical assistance is also available to develop solid business skills and improve the chance for success moving forward.
Capital Kickstarter
The Capital Kickstarter program provides existing businesses up to $20,000 for 6 months at an interest rate of 6%. These funds may be used for the purchase of real estate, furniture, fixtures, equipment, working capital, and inventory.
Business Leadership
& Mentorship
COVID-19 Strategic Business Practices Web Series​
The CCEDC completed a series of six webinars to help business owners navigate the challenges of COVID-19. Check out our YouTube channel to view courses.
Small Business Administration Online Courses​
Whether you're looking to start a small business or expand your current one, SBA's digital learning platform has everything you need to educate yourself on entrepreneurial best practices and available financing options.

Business Incentives
Enhanced Enterprise Zone
Clear Creek County is a designated Enhanced Enterprise Zone. The Colorado Enterprise Zone (EZ) Program is designed to promote a business-friendly environment in economically distressed areas by offering state income tax credits that incentivize businesses to locate and develop in, and non-profit organizations to assist with the needs of these communities.
Private-sector business activity encouraged by these income tax incentives brings job opportunities and capital investment to economically distressed areas. The private investment results in tax revenue for school districts, cities, counties, and the state, outweighing the costs of the tax credits granted.
Rural Jump-Start Zone
Clear Creek County is a designated Rural Jump-Start Zone. The Rural Jump-Start Zone program provides specific tax relief to New Businesses and New Hires of these businesses that are located in certain economically distressed areas of rural Colorado and align with local or regional state higher education institutions in order to promote economic development in these areas. This program is based on Senate Bill 15-282, and codified under Colorado Revised Statutes 39-30.5-101. This program is administered by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) and the Colorado Economic Development Commission (EDC), in conjunction with other government entities.
Clear Creek County Water Bank
Learn more about water resources available to augment development needs. Please contact the Clear Creek County Special Projects Division at 303-679-2434.
Idaho Springs Opportunity Zone
The City of Idaho Springs (Census Track 148) is identified as a Colorado Opportunity Zone. In the broadest sense, the newly enacted federal Opportunity Zone (OZ) is a federal tax incentive for investors to invest in low-income urban and rural communities through the favorable treatment of reinvested capital gains and forgiveness of tax on new capital gains. Click on the link below to view the Opportunity Zone Investment Prospectus.
Local Incentives
Clear Creek County and its municipalities will consider local incentives on a case-by-case basis. The CCEDC can assist as a liaison to get the conversation started!
Workforce Development
Homegrown Talent Initiative
Imagine families, schools, businesses, and higher education coming together to support students in finding their passions, engaging with their community, and developing new skills and competencies, all while simultaneously attaining the credentials necessary to qualify for a wide range of post-secondary pathways. The Homegrown Talent Initiative (HTI) aims to provide the resources and support needed to achieve this vision – to develop a Colorado where ALL students are lifelong learners.
The CCEDC is assisting with facilitating connections between Clear Creek students and our business community, ultimately resulting in opportunities for business mentorship, student internships, leadership development, and more!
Attainable Housing
Colorado Temporary Rental Assistance Grant
The Pre-application form will be available starting February 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., and open to apply until February 20, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The next funding opportunity will be on the 15th day of every month through May 2024, as long as funds are available.
Please use this link to sign up for the pre-application. You will be notified if you are accepted into the consideration (Not all applicants will be accepted. Please review the instructions.)
For more information, contact:
Sally Rush, Housing Coordinator
Clear Creek County
P.O. Box 2000, Georgetown, CO 80444
Mobile 720-361-9725
Colorado Emergency Rental Assistance Program (CARE) for EVICTION
If you are in the process of being evicted, the CARE program may be of assistance. To qualify, you must have a current court summons, called a Forcible Entry and Detainer. If you have a court summons please contact the CARE center BY TELEPHONE to explore options.
Contact the CARE center by call or text at 1-720-356-0174 or 1-888-480-0066, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mountain time. The Care Center team will work with you to provide you the access to apply once verification of your Forcible Entry and Detainer.
Individuals can also chat with a CARE center representative during business hours by using the yellow chat function located on the bottom right corner of the CARE center welcome page.
For more information, contact:
Sally Rush, Housing Coordinator
Clear Creek County
P.O. Box 2000, Georgetown, CO 80444
Mobile 720-361-9725
Volunteers of America Veterans Services
For more information on housing resources, please contact:
Bobbie Woods, Outreach and Intake Coordinator
(Please include 'Veteran Information Request' in the subject line)
Riverbend Residences in Idaho Springs
The Riverbend Residences in Idaho Springs are now open!